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Sacred Moon Grove

Who are we?

Sacred Moon Grove was born in May, 2023 to fulfill a need that our founders were encountering regularly, and seeing others in the community encounter as well. 
The need for a pagan community space.
A safe space.
An inclusive space, that was made with them in mind.
To expand the resources that the Pagan community in Huntsville has access to. 
To provide a place where people can learn, celebrate, and engage in their spirituality without fear of onlookers passing judgement, or being denied access to community event centers because of the nature of their practices. 
To educate the community at large about what paganism IS and what it ISN'T. 
And to provide the artisans of the community with events where they can connect with their target audiences and celebrate the creativity and artistry that so many pagans are blessed with.

This is the core of Sacred Moon Grove.
Our backbone is the community that we are here to serve.
We want to be able to build something lasting, and beautiful, and something that the whole community can come together to say they helped build this.

If all of this sounds familiar, and you'd like to help us achieve these goals, then please join us in building a sacred grove of community.

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©2023 Sacred Moon Grove
Sacred Moon Grove is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 93-1551081

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