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Sacred Moon Grove

Current Projects

Community Project : Goat Farm

A small goat farm who focuses on goat rescue was in need of help with shearing and general goat and pasture maintenance. We have some folks who are experienced in this area, so we reached out and offered to come lend a helping hand!
The farm has 11 adult and yearling angora goats that needed to be shorn, which has taken several visits to finish grooming on.

We are working with this farm on a continual basis to help with pasture maintenance, fence repairs, general health and well being of the animals, and we are seeking donations of time, funding, labor, equipment, feed, and medical for the farm. 

If you would like to volunteer to assist Sacred Moon Grove with this community project, please send us an email at

©2023 Sacred Moon Grove
Sacred Moon Grove is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 93-1551081

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