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  • Midsummer Magic and Moot - MEMBERS ONLY

Midsummer Magic and Moot - MEMBERS ONLY

  • 21 Jun 2024
  • 4:00 PM
  • 23 Jun 2024
  • 3:00 PM
  • Bates Farm - 343 Conway Rd, Decatur, AL 35603


  • Members RSVP Ticket
    This helps us know how many people to prepare for!

Registration is closed

We're Co-Hosting a Members Only "+1" camping event for Midsummer with Bilskirnir Kindred, the Heathen folks who did security for us at Beltane!

The event will be held at the gorgeous Bates Farm in Decatur, same location as the Beltane event, however we will NOT be in the same spot! Our event will be in the far back corner of the 44 acre property. We will have a welcome table set up where you can sign in to camp. We are not charging admission for this event, though a $10+ donation to cover campsite costs will be greatly appreciated.

This will be primitive camping, there will be a composting toilet on site, but you can also drive over to the restrooms and showers that are provided by the event venue. (They're really nice!)
There may be limited space for RVs, or campers, but it will be boon-dock, no hookups available. If you plan to bring an RV or Camper, please contact us so that we can make arrangements with the venue.

We will be having a Ritual on Saturday, It will be a combination of Celtic Druidry and Norse in theme and traditions. The ritual will be lead by Aurora, President of Sacred Moon Grove, and Michael, the Gothi of Bilskirnir. (More details about the ritual will be coming out soon.)
Bring any ritual attire you have, or burnable offerings you would like to make. (It is also completely okay if you do not have ritual attire for you to participate in street clothes.)
A Potluck feast will follow ritual. Bring food to share! The Grove is planning to provide meats, so plan for sides, veggies, drinks, desserts and the like!

This event is primarily for members of both groups to get to know each other, to share traditions, learn more about each other's beliefs and Gods, and for us to celebrate the Summer Solstice together. We would like to continue working with Bilskirnir Kindred in the future!

Plan to bring instruments for drum circles, crafts and skills you have that you would like to share with the community, tarot cards, runes, or anything else you feel like sharing with everyone! We want it to be a fun skill sharing event. We will be hosting a Trade Blanket again, (adults only this time), so bring items to trade!

Kids are welcome, and there are plans to have kids activities during the day!

We will have 2 campsites available, Main Camp and Family Camp.
Main Camp will be the general congregation of members who can set up tents around the main area, and throughout the surrounding woods.
Family Camp is a reserved area away from the Main camp where families with children can camp, so that the adults can have some "Rowdy Time".
Be aware that children need to be back in the Family Camp by 9pm.

This is a co-hosted event for Members only (of both the Kindred and The Grove), however you can bring your family, and if you would like to invite someone else to join us, please let us know who they are so we can accommodate them at your campsite.


Our event planning committee is working on the details, so more info is being prepared. Let us know if you have any questions!

Our event coincides with the Litha Festival that Raven's Grimoire, Celestial Designs, and Practical Magick AL are putting on at the same spot we had Beltane, We'll be on the opposite end of the venue, in the back corner of the 44 acres, so you will have to pass their event to get to ours.
Their event will be on Saturday so feel free to wander over and check it out, I know I will be! They're going to have vendors and food trucks and music and such. But be sure to come back to camp for ritual and all the fun things we have planned for our members!! 

©2023 Sacred Moon Grove
Sacred Moon Grove is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 93-1551081

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