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Sacred Moon Grove

Sacred Moon Grove Bylaws v. 1.0

We, the Founding Council have this day voluntarily associated ourselves together for the purpose of forming a Religious Organization; Temple of Earth Based Spirituality under the Laws of the State of Alabama, and we hereby certify that these bylaws were set into effect on Thursday, May 24, 2023 at 08:36 CST

ARTICLE ONE: Name and definitions of the Organization
The organization is organized exclusively for charitable, religious and educational purposes under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future federal tax code. The name of this religious organization shall be "Sacred Moon Grove". It may be referred to as The Grove, and for purposes of the Constitution and Bylaws may also be referred to as the Temple, or the Circle.

Organization Legal Name: Sacred Moon Grove
Date of formation: May 18, 2023
Charitable nature: Religious Organization; Church
Place of Operation: Huntsville, Madison County, Alabama.
Registered Agent: Aurora Jordan - (256)617-7008


"Discrimination" implies making distinctions, limitations, or exclusions within the organization based on criteria such as race, sex, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, age, or physical ability or physical challenge. “Inclusion” and “inclusive” imply not making such distinctions, limitations, or exclusions. Within this document, the umbrella term “inclusive” is used.

An "affiliated group" is a group or organization, distinct from the organization but compatible with its purposes, that has asked to be recognized as such.

"Good standing" implies that membership dues are paid current, and no organizational proceedings have found cause to expel or otherwise limit a member's rights or privileges within the organization.

Within this document, the umbrella term “Pagan” or “Paganism” is used to describe many religious beliefs that Sacred Moon Grove is inclusive of, and supports with clergy, education and resources, including (but not limited to) the following and Earth Based Spiritualities:
Norse Paganism or Asatru: The dominant religion of Germanic Northern Europe and Scandinavia immediately prior to roughly 1000 C.E. are commonly referred to as "Heathenry,”  "Asatru,” and others. Heathenry has been defined as "a broad contemporary Pagan new religious movement (NRM) that is consciously inspired by the linguistically, culturally, 'Germanic' societies of Iron Age and early medieval Europe as they existed prior to Christianization", and as a "movement to revive and/or reinterpret for the present day the practices and worldviews of the pre-Christian cultures of northern Europe (or, more particularly, the Germanic speaking cultures)". (Note: Sacred Moon Grove only supports inclusive Heathenry, and publicly denounces the Asatru Folk Assembly and other “Heathen” organizations that practice discrimination in their membership. Sacred Moon Grove stands by Declaration 127, and the Declaration of Deeds. )  

Druidry: Druidism (or Druidry) is thought to have been a part of Celtic and Gaulish culture in Europe, with the first classical reference to them in the 2nd century BC. In the modern spiritual or religious movement of Druidry, it promotes the cultivation of honorable relationships with the physical landscapes, flora, fauna, and diverse peoples of the world, as well as with nature deities, and spirits of nature and place. Theological beliefs among modern Druids are diverse; however, all modern Druids venerate the divine essence of nature. ( for more information)

Celtic: Celts practiced ancient Celtic paganism approximately 2,500 years ago. In modern Pagan religions, the term “Celtic” is generally used to apply to the mythology and legends found in the British Isles. When we discuss Celtic gods and goddesses on this website, we’re referring to the deities found in the pantheons of what are now Wales, Ireland, England, and Scotland. Likewise, modern Celtic Reconstructionist paths, including but not limited to Druid groups, honor the deities of the British Isles.

Red Road/Indigenous Spirituality: When Indigenous American people say they are walking the “Red Road” it means they are living life with purpose while on a path to positive change. It is a spiritual tradition of many tribes throughout the United States, and each person’s interpretation of the Red Road is a personal choice between them and their vision of The Creator. “Indigenous peoples have the right to promote, develop and maintain their institutional structures and their distinctive customs, spirituality, traditions, procedures, practices and, in the cases where they exist, juridical systems or customs, in accordance with international human rights standards.” – United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. This document uses “Indigenous” as an inclusive term to encompass all Indigenous peoples and identities, including status, non-status, Indian, Aboriginal, Native, First Nation, Métis and Inuit.

One of the oldest forms of healing; some estimate that shamanism originated over 10,000 years ago; and is a part of many regions throughout the world. Shamanism is a religious practice that involves a practitioner “shaman” interacting with the spirit world through altered states of consciousness, such as trance. The goal is to direct spirits or spiritual energies into the physical world for the purpose of healing, divination, or to aid human beings in some other way.

Wicca: is a religion influenced by pre-Christian beliefs and practices of western Europe that affirms the existence of supernatural power (such as magic) and of both male and female deities who are inherent in nature and that emphasizes ritual observance of seasonal and life cycles. Wicca has no central authority figure. Its traditional core beliefs, principles, and practices were originally outlined in the 1940s and 1950s by an early High Priestess, Doreen Valiente and Gerald Gardner.In the US, the court case of Dettmer v. Landon in 1986 established that Wicca was a religion, and therefore should be treated as such under the eyes of the law.

Other Pagan religions and traditions are acceptable for membership with Sacred Moon Grove upon the approval of a majority vote of the Board.

ARTICLE TWO: Government
The government of Sacred Moon Grove shall be vested in the Founding Council, who by extension may grant governing duties to the Board of Directors (referred to hereafter as the Board).  The Grove is subject to the control of no other ecclesiastical authority.  The Board shall act in overseeing the affairs of the Grove, and officiating in cases of dispute.

The Board shall consist of at least three (3) and no more than thirteen (13) people, all of whom must be Members in good standing, of no less than eighteen years of age, and capable of travel to the Grove’s permanent office for regular meetings.  Names, titles, and contact information for all Directors shall be published.  Directors may be members of the Founding Council, Officers, Board-Appointed Members.  All officers shall be seated on the Board.  Officers may receive just compensation for their services as directed by a resolution of the Board.

Officers and Board-Appointed Members shall be appointed to serve 5-year terms subject to a vote of reappointment by a majority vote of the Board. No term limits exist for such positions.  The exception to this is the position of the Founding Council, described later in this document.

In the event that an Officer, or Board-Appointed Member fails to abide by the Constitution, Bylaws, or Code of Ethics of the Grove, the President shall call a special meeting of the Board to discuss the case and subsequent action.  The Board Member in question may either be placed on probation for a period of time to be determined by the Board, or be removed from the Board entirely.  If placed on probation, the Board Member in question must give ample evidence that they have chosen to act in accordance with the Constitution, Bylaws, and Code of Ethics of the Grove by the end of the probationary period.  At the end of the probationary period, the Board shall meet to determine whether the terms of the probation have been satisfied, and may choose to reinstate the Board Member or dismiss the same from the Board.  In the event that such a decision is not unanimous, the President shall make the final decision.  The Founding Council may not be removed from office.

An Officer or Board-Appointed Member wishing to retire or resign from the Board must give at least 30 days notice to the Founding Council.  At a special meeting called for this purpose, the Officers shall decide whether or not to fill the vacant position.  If the Board would fall under the minimum of three Board Members by failing to fill the position, then the position must be filled.
With the exception of the Founding Council, any Officer may be removed or replaced by a unanimous vote of the Board at a special meeting called for this purpose. All Board Members shall attend all regular and special Board meetings.

The Grove shall maintain bank accounts as needed, and any checks or drafts must be signed by the President, Vice-President or Treasurer.  Any contracts or other legally-binding instruments must be signed by the President or Vice-President, or someone designated in writing by the President or Vice-President to do so.

The Officers of the Grove; appointment and terms:

Founding President:  
Shall serve in this capacity for life, or until resigning or retiring. The Founding President shall call to order and conduct all meetings of the Grove, and shall preside in all official matters. The Founding President shall serve in the capacity of President for life or until resigning or retiring.


Shall be one who has been ordained as a Grove Minister and appointed by the Board to serve in this capacity, once the Founding President no longer serves in this capacity.  The President shall serve in this capacity for a 5-year term subject to a vote of reappointment by the Board.   No term limits exist for reappointments to 5-year terms.  The President shall call to order and conduct all meetings of the Grove, and shall preside in all official matters.

Founding Vice-President:

Shall serve in this capacity for life, or until resigning or retiring. The Founding Vice-President shall assume the position of President in the event that the Founding President terminates that post for any reason. The Founding Vice Presidents shall serve in the capacity of Vice President for life or until resigning or retiring.


Shall be one who has been ordained as a Grove Minister and appointed by the Board to serve in this capacity, once the Founding Vice-Presidents/Directors no longer serve in this capacity.  The Vice-President shall serve in this capacity for a 5-year term subject to a vote of reappointment by the Board.   No term limits exist for reappointments to 5-year terms.  In the event that the President is incapacitated or has deceased, the Vice-President shall be President throughout the remainder of the term of the President.  At that time, the Board shall appoint a President for a new 5-year term.  In the event that the Vice-President has become President, or is incapacitated or has deceased, the Board shall appoint a new Vice-President to complete the term.  The Vice-President shall assist the President in running meetings and conducting official business of the Grove.  


Shall be appointed by the Board to serve in this capacity.  The Secretary shall serve in this capacity for a 5-year term subject to a vote of reappointment by the Board.   No term limits exist for reappointments to 5-year terms.  The Secretary shall keep records of meetings, carry out correspondence of the Grove, and perform other duties designated by the Board.

Shall be appointed by the Founding Council to serve in this capacity.  The Treasurer shall serve in this capacity for a 5-year term subject to a vote of reappointment by the Board.   No term limits exist for reappointments to 5-year terms.  The Treasurer shall keep track of Organization monies and speak to the Grove’s financial matters at business meetings. The Founding Council may take upon the responsibilities of the Treasurer in the absence of an appointed treasurer.

Officer Requirements:

Candidates for the Grove offices must be at least 21 years of age, and have been Full Members for at least one year. Some Officers require additional qualifications. Officers must maintain membership throughout their terms of office. Officers whose memberships lapse for more than two (2) months shall be deemed to have resigned from their office. After this two-month period, renewal of membership shall not reinstate a member to office. Officers may serve in multiple organizations, as long as this does not interfere with, or cause conflicts of interest with, the duties of their position in Sacred Moon Grove. The Circle may issue guidance on this. The Council will act as the final arbiter in this should any disputes arise. General membership in other organizations is acceptable as long as it creates no conflict of interest. Officers are encouraged to hold only one Office at any time.

Any Clergy member of the Grove shall meet the following qualifications:

  • Be a Member in good standing as outlined in Article Four.
  • Complete the Clergy Training Program conducted by Sacred Moon Grove and approved by the Board
  • Undergo examination and approval by the Board
  • Participate in an Ordination Rite conducted by a Sacred Moon Grove Minister appointed by the Founding Council, or if no members of the Founding Council remain in office, by the existing Board.

The duties of a Clergy member are as follows:

  • To conduct religious ceremonies, which may include but are not limited to: seasonal and full moon worship services and festivals, handfasting, baby blessings, funerals, burials, and other Rites of Passage.
  • To counsel Grove Members and others in need of spiritual counseling, and perform rites of support for life transitions, personal healing and other purposes.
  • To teach Grove Members and others spiritual concepts, and approaches for spiritual living and advancement.
  • To advocate for religious freedom and dispel misconceptions about Paganism and Nature Spirituality by engaging with media and other outlets as needed.
  • To engage in specialty ministries (e.g. hospital, hospice, military, prison, campus, interfaith, others) and thus serve people who may not otherwise have access to a healthy and sound path of spiritual growth.
  • To carry out other duties and perform other services as deemed appropriate by the Board of the Grove, serving both their home communities and the work of Sacred Moon Grove.


The purposes of the Corporation are:

  • To serve as a community center, temple, and service organization for the religious needs of its members in Paganism and Earth Based Spirituality;
  • To disseminate accurate knowledge about history, beliefs, and practices of Paganism and Earth Based Spirituality to its members;
  • To train clergy and scholars in the practice and study of one of the many paths of Paganism and Earth Based Spirituality, within the Sacred Moon Grove traditions;
  • To produce publications that educate, provide information on, and facilitate communication about Paganism and Earth Based Spirituality;
  • To facilitate and promote cooperation and community among inclusive groups and individuals practicing Paganism and Earth Based Spirituality;
  • To provide programs to serve and to aid the wider general Pagan and Earth Based Spirituality communities in accordance with the organization’s Mission statement;
  • To encourage a life lived in harmony with the earth and others within the Pagan and Earth Based Spirituality communities;
  • To organize events and functions for the Pagan and Earth Based Spirituality communities where members may feel safe, and free to be themselves in their expression of their personal spiritual beliefs;
  • To acquire property and resources that promote the foregoing purposes.

ARTICLE FOUR: Membership
Membership with Sacred Moon Grove is open to anyone who is interested in and following a path which fits our definition of Paganism and Earth Based Spirituality, where this membership affiliation is based on religious, spiritual, or cultural reasons, not for racial or political reasons. Discrimination, as defined above, shall not be practiced by Sacred Moon Grove, its programs, departments, officers, or any affiliated group, whether in membership decisions or the conduct of any of its activities.

Membership Categories
Sacred Moon Grove shall have four classes of members: New, Full, Lifetime, and Complimentary

New Members
New members are those persons who have been members in good standing, as defined above, for less than one year. New members may not hold any Corporate office.

Full Members

Full Members are those persons who have remained members in good standing, as defined above, for at least one year. Full Members whose memberships have lapsed for more than three months shall revert to New member status if they reapply for membership, and not be recognized as Full Members again until their membership has been reinstated for at least six months.

Lifetime Members

Lifetime members are Full Members who have contributed a donation of at least $500 to Sacred Moon Grove through our membership portal, or who are awarded a Lifetime membership by a two-thirds vote of the Circle, or by The Council to honor exceptionally meritorious service to Sacred Moon Grove. Lifetime memberships are non-refundable. A Lifetime member may resign that membership at any time. An awarded Lifetime membership may be terminated by The Council and Circle for disciplinary reasons if necessary. A purchased Lifetime membership may be terminated by The Council and Circle for disciplinary reasons.Lifetime members shall have their names listed in each issue of The Grove, and may receive other benefits as The Council and Circle may decide. Lifetime members are subject to the same office-holding criteria as Full Members.

Complimentary Members
Complimentary Members are designated by the Board, or by such programs as The Board names, to further the cause of education and organizational outreach. Complimentary members receive copies of “The Grove”, but do not have the right to hold office in Sacred Moon Grove.

Incarcerated Members

Members currently incarcerated may not hold any Corporate office, and may only participate in those programs that the Board designates by a majority vote to be open to them. Incarcerated members have the right to seek visitation by a member of the Sacred Moon Grove clergy, spiritual counseling, and access to religious documents for study from Sacred Moon Grove at the discretion of the Board, and as limited by law.

Disciplinary Action and Expulsion of Members:

Sacred Moon Grove reserves the right to discipline or expel any member who has been deemed to be in violation of Sacred Moon Grove’s Mission Statement, Position Statement, these Bylaws, or Articles of Incorporation. Specific action options will be determined by majority Board vote according to the following guidelines, and the options will be announced in the operating journal and in Sacred Moon Grove's operating Policy and Procedures document. In no case will discipline result in physical or fiduciary harm to the person outside of their paid membership fee not being refunded.

Principles and Purpose of Discipline
In accordance with Pagan tradition, disciplinary procedures within Sacred Moon Grove seek first and foremost to maintain the integrity of the community, while striving to uphold the rights and freedoms of individual members.

There may be times when an individual member's behavior impedes the community's ability to maintain a constructive environment, or hinders the organization's ability to function. In these instances, disciplinary procedures may be invoked. Our Organization’s actions must be timely, decisive, consistent, and fair. All members, whether those who bring forth grievances, or those who are examined as a result of those grievances, and regardless of their position within Sacred Moon Grove, will be treated justly and fairly in any disciplinary procedure. Officers and clergy within Sacred Moon Grove may be subject to more scrutiny and accountability than the general membership.

Sacred Moon Grove does not involve itself in personal disputes, and any allegation found to be the result of a personal dispute or disagreement will not be handled at the level of Organizational discipline unless member behavior impedes the community's ability to maintain a constructive environment, or hinders the organization's ability to function.

All regulations concerning member conduct and discipline shall apply to all members and local affiliated groups. It is expected that members will abide by basic standards of civil conduct even outside of activities and events sponsored by the organization. Discipline may be invoked, or membership status revoked, for members who are involved with any activities contrary to the organization's Mission or Position statements or By-Laws.

Initiation of Discipline
Disciplinary action may be requested by any member relating to any action within the jurisdiction of the organization as defined here.

Rules of Evidence
Evidence must be directly related to the complaint, and must be verifiable by sources other than the initiator of the complaint. Evidence will be gathered by Officers of the Grove and submitted to The Board for judgment.

Financial Assessments
Sacred Moon Grove shall have the power to assess its Membership for support of the Grove by the following methods:

  • Annual or monthly donations
  • Membership Dues
  • Fees for services rendered to Members or non-members
  • Fundraising projects
  • Borrowing
  • Any other method approved by the Board that does not interfere with the Grove’s compliance with Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding provision of any future federal tax code.

An Annual Meeting shall be held on or near the first weekend of May (Beltane).  All Directors, Officers and Members shall be notified of the day, time and location of the Annual Meeting at least two weeks in advance.  All Officers and Directors shall be present.
A Board meeting shall be held quarterly, at a time and place agreed upon by all Directors. All Directors must be present.
Special Meetings may be called at the request of any Director, and shall be held at a time, date and location agreeable to all. All Directors shall be notified in advance of any special meeting, and all rules of an Annual Meeting shall apply.
Regular monthly meetings and gatherings for spiritual and fellowship purposes shall be held and open to the membership of Sacred Moon Grove at a day, time, and location agreeable to the majority of the Board. All Directors, Officers, and Members shall be notified. At least one Director, or Officer must be present at all such gatherings.

Records of all Annual Meetings and Board meetings shall be kept by the Grove Secretary or a designated alternate.  Evidence of these meetings shall be stated in resolutions and minutes kept by the Grove Secretary, and must be made available to Directors and Full Members upon request in a timely fashion.

ARTICLE SIX: Amendments
These Bylaws may be altered or amended by a majority vote of the Board.  In addition, the Grove’s Constitution may be altered or amended by a majority vote of the Board.  A current copy of the Constitution and Bylaws shall be filed in the Corporate records as well as with the State of Alabama, as required by law, and shall be published for the benefit of Sacred Moon Grove Members and other interested parties

ARTICLE SEVEN: Dissolution
In accordance with Alabama State Law, We dictate that upon the dissolution of the organization, assets the entity maintains will be distributed to one or more organizations whose founding fits the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future Federal tax code. The organizations who are chosen to receive these assets must have goals and values which align with those of Sacred Moon Grove.

Any assets not disposed of in the above manner shall be distributed to the federal government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose. Any such assets not disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of common pleas of the county in which the principal office of the organization is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.

©2023 Sacred Moon Grove
Sacred Moon Grove is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. EIN 93-1551081

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